5 Insanely Clever DIYs That Are Actually Easy

    Pinterest inspiration for your summer.

    1. Draw simple little faces on teacups using a ceramic marker.

    2. Make a thrifted pair of shorts or shirt look ~cool~ with a quick dip in a bucket of bleach.

    3. Glue all of those gorgeous shells you've collected this summer to a cheap mirror to make something beachy for your home.

    4. Clean your dingy white shoes using a mixture of water, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide.

    5. Build a simple projector using a shoebox and your smartphone.

    It won’t be perfect or HD, but it will only cost you a dollar or two. And will keep the kids entertained in the backyard (project on a white sheet) while the grown-ups sip their Frozémonade. Make sure you read the tutorial before attempting, because there’s important information about how to actually make this focus(ish). To make sure no light leaks around your lens, secure it with some vinyl electrical tape.

    Want more easy DIY ideas? Check out 5 more awesome ones here.