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    5 Incredibly Clever DIYs That You’ll Actually Want To Try

    Lovely things to make in the late summer.

    1. Cover a plain white plate with chalkboard paint, then use it to serve various cheese, crackers, fruit, and whatever else you want to label.

    2. Assemble colorful flowers out of raffia and beads, then glue them to a clip so you can wear them on any pair of shoes you'd like.

    3. Use felt glue to attach simple craft store pom poms to a basic pillow cover.

    To get super neat spacing and lines, use a pencil to sketch out your shapes or pattern before you start gluing. And take the cover off of the pillow before gluing, so you're not trying to glue around a cushy curve. If you're worried about pom poms falling off, you can secure them with a single small stitch.

    Here's the tutorial.

    4. Use 2'' letter stickers to paste your favorite funny laundry quote on your laundry hamper.

    5. ModPodge your favorite fabric onto a circle (or square, or heart, etc.) of cork to customize a mousepad to your tastes.