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    18 Useful Tricks That Will Make Your Bathroom So Much Better

    Things to buy, things to do, and ways to save that $$$.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to send us their favorite recommendations and tricks for the bathroom, and they delivered! Check out their answers below.

    1. Hurry up and buy a Squatty Potty already.

    2. Attach a Tushy Bidet to the toilet that you already own.

    3. And/or keep wet wipes within arm's reach of the toilet.

    4. Mark a line on the wall to help potty-training kids know how much toilet paper to pull.

    5. Stick a motion-sensing nightlight on the back of your toilet.

    6. Keep a bottle of Poo-Pourri accessible, especially in the bathrooms that your guests use most frequently.

    7. Install a toilet paper holder that takes literally zero effort to change (like the Ikea Hjälmaren).

    8. And get your toilet paper in bulk when it's on sale (assuming your have enough space to store it).

    9. Save your shampoo and conditioner from sneaky roommates by storing them in a Shlocker.

    10. Don't be afraid to go generic with your toiletries and cleaning products, whether you're shopping at the dollar store or your local drugstore.

    11. But if you really prefer name-brand soaps, shop the gift sets during after-Christmas sales.

    12. Let your bathtub fill up to the literal brim with this suction-cup wonder.

    13. Add a cross-tub tray to your bathtub so you can read a book AND drink wine AND take a bath at the same time.

    14. Turn your shower into a "must-finish-the-song-before-I-leave" destination.

    15. Keep wipes in a wipe warmer.

    16. Don't buy refills for foaming liquid hand soap.

    17. Make your hand soap last twice as long by putting a rubber band around the pump.

    18. And before you buy anything, check the unit prices on groceries and other items before buying the "value" or "family" size of a product to save money.

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