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13 Things Every Military Family Knows To Be True About July 4th

If you are in a military family, the 4th of July is a little bit different for you for a lot of reasons. This Independence Day, NAPA AUTO PARTS has teamed with The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund to help salute all of our troops and military families.

1. To you, the 4th of July means a lot more than just fireworks and hot dogs.

2. It's a day for everyone to celebrate and honor your family members and friends that have served.

3. Your day typically begins with a parade or baseball game where your family is honored.

4. Afterward, a massive party commences with all the local military families.

Ain't no party like a military party.

5. The party always starts early because everyone has been trained to never be late.

6. The veterans are especially grateful for a big feast, which doesn't consist of MREs.

7. Sometimes, you are greeted with a joyous surprise from a returning soldier.

8. And for those that are overseas still serving, you can't wait to all huddle around the computer to wish them a happy 4th.

9. It is one of the few times you get to see your parents let their hair down.

10. If you're lucky, you'll get a show from their military band.

11. You love getting to hear your grandfather tell his stories from when he served.

12. And you can't wait to belt along cadence calls with everyone in your family.

13. And all day, your heart is beaming with such a great sense of pride.

This Independence Day, NAPA AUTO PARTS is teaming up with the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund to help heal returning military personnel suffering from psychological health conditions like PTSD or TBI.

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Join NAPA AUTO PARTS in supporting the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund to help heal our heroes. To learn more about how to help veterans with PTSD, visit here.