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    Things To Consider When Picking Your Collage Major

    I, like many people graduated high school & had no idea what i actually wanted to major in, i really didn't know what i was gonna be good at, or at i'm gonna love, so here are some advice that i got that helped me make that choice:

    1. Hear what people have to say but make your own choice

    There's nothing wrong with asking people for their opinion, that way you can avoid making their mistakes & make your own! However you shouldn't make your decision based on their experiences because there could be multiple reasons why they didn't succeed in that specific major, like they could be bad at math & majored in accounting, always remember to hear the full story.

    2. Try different things

    One way to figure out what you're good at & what you love is by trying different things, how could you ever really know what you can do if you don't try, take an art class for example, or a writing one, just remember to try before you dismiss something cause it could really be that thing that changes everything for you.

    3. Take a personality test

    There are a lot of accurate personality tests that you can do online, & there's this one in particular is great and gives you a code for your personality type, plus it shows you what majors are best for people with your personality.

    4. Write a list of pros & cons on every major

    Write one list for each major & write the good things about it & the bad, this can help you eliminate some majors.

    5. Discover your strengths & weakness

    A huge part of choosing the right major for you is knowing what your abilities are, cause you can't succeed at a major if you aren't good at it or even love it.

    6. Don't think about what the job market is looking for

    Okay so let's say you pick a hard major that you don't even like because it has a "bright future", end up studying it for 4 years or more, then finally graduating and getting a job where you'll be spending half of your time in doing something you do not like.

    7. choose a major that genuinely excites you

    If you choose a major that you're actually interested in it's gonna make college a lot easier, just keep in mind that when you choose something that you actually wanna learn and find exciting you're most likely gonna have no trouble succeeding in it, and remember "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."