21 Spelling Fails On Signs And Posters That Should've Never Been Printed

    Are these spelling fails or have we been saying everything wrong this whole time?

    The English language can be confusing at times and spelling mistakes are bound happen... but someone really should've thought twice before putting these signs and posters on display.

    1. Word on the street is satanizing kills that 0.1% of germs that sanitizing cannot.

    2. All it takes is 30 mints to "insure" parking. Not a bad deal, to be honest.

    3. Which manga?

    4. An attempt was made.

    5. Okay, this technically isn't a spelling fail, but someone — anyone! — should've proof-read this poster before it was printed. What is a concern spoon (and where can I get one)?

    6. No challenge will ever be "to" great for whoever made this official Trump inauguration poster.

    A poster of Donald Trump that uses the wrong "to" in sentence "no challenge is to great"

    7. Seems a bit excessive, but who are we to judge?

    8. Ah, yes. Septermeber. Objectively the best month of the year.

    9. The good news is that you can still bring drinks.

    Welp from engrish

    10. These new variants are getting out of hand.

    11. They're asking for a lot and it's a little unfair at this point.

    12. This is a common mistake, but shout out to the good Samaritan who tried to fix it.

    13. On the next episode of Boruto, he finds out his father's name is "Naruro" and not "Naruto." The plot thickens.

    14. At least you can put that $50 towards getting your car back.

    15. Violators can rest easy... for now.

    16. No one told us this was a requirement.

    17. Martin Luther what, now?

    18. The "Ferderal" typo is pretty bad, but the small "Illinios" is somehow worse.

    19. At least they said "please."

    20. When autocorrect completely gives up.

    Don’t miss Sam Claflin in the new rom com Book of Love from BuzzFeed Studios, coming to Amazon Prime Video February 4th and Sky Cinema February 12th.

    Sam Claflin and Verónica Echegui standing on a street below the film's title