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    Biggest To The Longest, Five Amazing Caves To Visit

    New measurements revealed the world’s largest cave, which is unfortunately off-limits. But what are some other impressive underworlds open for visitors?

    Where is to come?

    Last weekend, cave explorers, scientists and geologists gathered at Hidden Earth, the United Kingdom's annual caving conference, to answer an important question: What's the largest cave in the world? Until then, the largest known cave chamber was thought to be Borneo's Sarawak Chamber, which is so large that it can fit multiple full-size airplanes inside. But after extensive laser scanning, cave explorers had a different cave to nominate: the Miao Room cavern, a chamber beneath China's Ziyun Getu He Chuandong National Park, accessible only by an underground stream. Precise laser measurements proved that Miao Room is the largest known cave chamber in the world by volume, measuring 380.7 million cubic feet (the Sarawak Chamber still has a larger surface area than the Miao Room chamber, however).

    Unfortunately for non-professional cave explorers, the Miao Room cavern, located with the Gebihe cave system, isn't open to public visitors. But if you want to experience the amazing world beneath the Earth's surface with a ve may bay bamboo airways planes, consider a trip to one of these five amazing caves instead.

    1. Son Doong cave - Vietnam

    Son Doong measures over 5.5 miles in length, and some of its caverns are large enough to hold a 40-story skyscraper - The amazing world beneath the Earth's surface

    2. Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, U.S.A.

    The first human to enter Mammoth Cave descended into its winding passages over 4,000 years ago. The cave is a massive tourist attraction, with more than 390,000 visitors passing through its limestone halls each year

    3. Mulu Caves, Borneo

    Thousands of bats live within the Mulu Caves, and exit every day around sunset in search for food, offering tourists a magnificent display of their exodus.

    4. Sistema Sac Actun, Mexico

    The cenote, or sinkhole, is one of hundreds that dot the expansive cave system.

    5. New Athos Cave, Georgia

    The idea worked, and today, the New Athos Cave is one of Georgia's most popular attractions. The largest chamber in the cave is over 850 feet long and 160 feet high