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11 Reasons Having A Cold Is The Literal Absolute Worst

End bad stuff before it gets worse. Start the relief and ditch the misery with Mucinex®.

1. Slept for FOREVER, but you're still exhausted.

2. Each surprise-attack sneeze leaves your face snot-frosted.

3. Your brains feel like they're about to blow.

4. These body aches got you all stiff and slow.

5. Throat feels like you've been gnawing on glass.

6. Your head is too cloudy to attempt any sass.

7. Coughing fits, it seems, you're never without.

8. Furious at all the sneezes that just won't come out.

9. Devastated at the thought of going outside.

10. Looking up your symptoms has you wanting to hide.

11. Your fever is high, almost to the moon.

So take Mucinex® now and feel better soon!