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    BookTok Reccomended These Books To Me. Here's The Ones That Are Worth Your Time

    May all your academia dreams come true! (This is for the Editorial Fellowship)

    Like many social media apps, TikTok users have formed communities around the content they make. There's fashiontok for outfit inspo, foodtok for recipe recommendations, and even a whole part of TikTok users who collect bones

    But one of the most popular communities is called BookTok, a TikTok community where avid readers review, recommend, and post about books they love.

    I used to be an avid reader when I was younger, but as I've gotten older, I've found myself reading less and less.

    Not to mention with the rise of the internet, it's become harder and harder for anything with more words than the character allowance on Twitter to hold my attention. But I've always found myself missing being the thrill of being glued to a book, especially since those BookTok videos keep showing up on my FYP.

    So I've scoured through the #BookTok tag on TikTok to find some of the most frequently talked-about books, read them, and report back to let you know if it's made a bibliophile out of me!

    The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

    The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

    People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

    Normal People by Sally Rooney

    The verdict? BookTok absolutely knows what it's talking about.

    Throughout this week, I found myself reaching for a book more often than my phone or computer, and finished the experience excited to go on the hunt for more books like these. If you're looking to reinvigorate a love of reading, or maybe want to start up a new love affair, I think all of these books are worth a try!

    Happy reading!