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    5 Movies That You Love That Are Really Overrated...

    This might hurt some feelings...

    Movies are one of the greatest sources of entertainment in the world. Especially nowadays with the abundance of movies and ways to watch them, there is always a new movie you can watch. With so many of these movies being produced you get to see some of the best pieces of entertainment the human race can offer you. Yet, with all of these great movies there is bound to be some that are bad. Today we will look at the top 5 movies of all time that are wildly overrated.

    5. Pulp Fiction (1994)

    4. The Breakfast Club (1985)

    3. The Revenant (2015)

    2. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

    1.Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

    These are our picks for the most overrated movies of all time. Agree or not, these are the correct answers. If one of your favorite movies is in this list, you might want to go back and take a closer look.