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    You Know You're In A Hitchcock Movie When...

    Descensus ad Mortem is a new Hitchcockian style thriller about an elderly widow who must overcome her fear of falling and descend the stairs to uncover what her late husband left buried on the beach below. What makes a film Hitchcockian?

    1. A MacGuffin Starts Your Day.

    2. You Are Mistaken For Someone Else.

    3. You Find a Blonde By Your Side.

    4. There Is Always a Staircase In Your Way.

    5. And a Domineering Mother.

    7. Alfred Hitchcock Walks By In a Brief Cameo.

    8. You Find Yourself Dangling Off a Ledge.

    9. Someone Ends Up Falling.

    10. And For Some Reason There Is a Lot Of Birds.

    Give Our Descensus ad Mortem website a look for more info on a Hitchcockian style thriller.