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11 Struggles Of Being A Risk Taker

If you had a dollar for every time you heard "Get down from there!" you'd be rich.

1. You get a few bruises now and then.

2. People are always yelling "Get down from there!" at you...

3. ...because you love heights.

4. And you'll jump off anything into water.

5. You're always having to explain how you pulled something off because everyone thinks you faked your pics or vids.

6. You're in constant competition with your mates to see who can do the craziest thing.

7. You've broken a few phones while trying to film your stunts.

8. Conventional sports bore you.

9. All your favourite items of clothing have scuffs, rips, and tears, each a reminder of something crazy you once did.

10. No one appreciates cardboard boxes as much as you do.

11. You're always bugging your friends with "Hey, watch this."

We're all risk takers in one way or another. It's all about you doing you. So #DOTHEDEW and have a damn good time.