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11 Recipes To Show Someone How You Really Feel

Food: the key to everyone's heart.

1. Want to make bae's day? Peaches and cream overnight oats will get them off to a sunny start.

2. And this caramel apple cider will melt away even the grossest Monday.

3. Make these mouthwatering ricotta stuffed mushrooms for your vegetarian friend who always ends up having to bring their own snacks.

4. Make dinner for your parents for once! This brown ale pulled pork is simple and delicious.

5. Potato and leek soup to give your roommate a warm "welcome home" after their late-night shift.

6. Surprise a friend who's having a tough time with these pumpkin s'mores cake bars.

7. Your grad school friends will love you forever if you bring them one of these feel-good pineapple smoothies during exam week.

8. Breakfast in bed for your boo? Heck yes! How about some cinnamon French toast fingers with blueberries?

9. Show your vegan friend you care and whip them up a batch of this delicious vegan pho.

10. Pack some of these strawberry hand pies for your election canvas field trip. Pies to the polls!

11. And some double chocolate hot cocoa just for you, because showing yourself you care matters too.

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