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13 Ways To Nail Your First Day On The Job

First day jitters? Don't worry, we got you. After getting that awesome job you found on, here are some things you can do to calm your nerves and make your first day a fantastic one.

1. Test drive the trip to your new office the night before.

2. Study the people in your company before the big day.

3. Also, plan and prepare your outfit.

4. Clear your schedule so you have the whole day open.

5. Get up a little earlier than you normally would the day of.

6. Set out important documents you will need.

7. Get there early, but not TOO early.

8. Bring a notebook.

9. Have an understanding of how to fill out your tax forms.

10. Ask (a lot of) questions!

11. Pack a lunch just in case.

12. Use your downtime wisely.

13. And remember, it's your FIRST DAY! Don't bite off more than you can chew.