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    8 Most Outrageous Celeb Tweets.. What Goes Through There Heads?

    These celebs lost all common sense, got way too deep and threw out all political correctness!


    Do identical twins have the same exact DNA? Like if 1 twin murders someone & leaves their DNA, can the other twin get blamed?

    Some interesting medical observations by Kim!


    Why is rhode island nor a road or an island

    He makes some good points..


    I can't belive my grand mothers making me take Out the garbage I'm rich fuck this I'm going home I don't need this shit


    I'm watching the History channel in the club and I'm wondering how do these people kno what's goin on on the sun..ain't nobody ever been


    Im a get me one of them bitches from a third world country. At least she won't have high expectations. Heres a clean glass a water baby lol

    Who said rappers aren't charitable?


