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11 Moments That Are Made Way Better By Music

Because life is better with a soundtrack! The M&M’S spokescandies are starting a band and need you to help them create a bite-size beat. Visit to create a beat that could be featured in an upcoming TV commercial.

1. When you decide to push through a difficult workout instead of giving up.

2. When you make eye contact with your crush in public.

3. When you're feeling nostalgic.

4. When you're walking around town by yourself.

5. When you have to do literally any kind of cleaning.

6. When you're feeling kinda sad and just want to wallow in it.

7. When you're in a car with a bunch of friends.

8. When you're in the car by yourself.

9. When you're really feeling your look.

10. When you're simply too tired to function.

11. When you're celebrating anything — big or small.

Attention music lovers: The M&M’S spokescandies are starting a band and need you to help them create a bite-size beat! Candy lovers and aspiring DJs are encouraged to visit to create a beat that could be featured in an upcoming TV commercial.