10 Ways College Students Can Beat The End-Of-Semester Scaries

    Why are we stressing about exams two months before they start? Here are some tips to deal with school-related stressors.

    1. Organize your remaining due dates

    A photo of a notebook with due dates written on the page.

    2. Exercise

    A photo of a pair of running shoes next to a rolled-up yoga mat.

    3. Keep your study space tidy

    A photo of a laptop, cup of tea, and a candle on a clean desk.

    4. Spend breaks outside

    View this video on YouTube

    by MJ Troxclair / Via youtube.com

    Spending time in nature is a great stress reliever. Bonus points if you soak up some vitamin D from the sun!

    5. Schedule study breaks

    a laptop with a timer on the screen

    6. Take time to rest intentionally

    A photo of the book "Dark Matter" by Blake Crouch.

    7. Hang out with pets

    A photo of a puppy.

    8. Choose the right soundtrack

    https://t.co/m6KiGDpUEY My current studying playlist!

    by MJ Troxclair / Via Twitter: @MjTroxclair

    Listening to music or ambient noise while studying helps many students stay on track.

    9. Put your thoughts onto paper

    A photo of a notebook with notes in it.

    10. And don't forget to reward yourself

    A photo of a cup of iced coffee, a water jug, and a carton of oat milk.