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    10 Ways Social Media Is Affecting Your Life

    Social media is a great way to stay connected to people from all over and can be super awesome. But is social media really sooo amazing...?

    1. You always see Jan and Sally going out without you

    Even though you totally introduced Jan and Sally to each other at last year's New Years Eve Bash, they now go out for brunch and mimosas all the time together. You see their posts and stories but somehow never get an invite.

    2. That jerk that ghosted you last summer still views all of your posts

    And for some reason Chad views all of your super cute Insta Boomerangs but never likes them... What's up with that?

    3. You're still stalking your ex's new bae

    You may have ended things with John 8 months ago but how could he get with Susan so soon after? And why does she have such good hair? And why do you know that her cousin's best friend's boyfriend's little sister just got a new puppy? Definitely not because you were that deep in their profiles....

    4. Every time you log on someone new from your hometown is experiencing some new life event

    Emily is pregnant, RJ bought a house, Jason got engaged, and Carlos got promoted... and you just finished binge watching Friends for the fourth time.

    5. If you have to see one more political post you may lose your mind...

    For some reason Sean thinks because he went to one political science class in college that he now understands EVERY political event. (UPDATE: he doesn't)

    6. And if you see another tweet from a politician trying to be young and hip to relate to the millennials you're going to have to move

    For some reason politicians think that they can get an 18 year olds vote by using text lingo

    7. You see the SAME advertisements on your feed every day

    Every time you log onto any network all you see is that stupid Wendy's commercial, and yet you still don't want to go get a burger

    8. You get lost for hours watching videos instead of actually being productive

    You promised yourself that you would only take a five minute break but now it's been two and a half hours and for some reason you're watching a video on how to teach a dog to dance when you don't even have a dog