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10 Not Normal Declarations Of Love

These people are titans in our book. Their amazing stories might force you to evaluate how much of a schmuck you are. But don't worry, MINI embraces your eccentricities.

1. This billionaire left her dog millions of dollars.

2. This man built a 6,000 step ladder so his girlfriend could come and see him. (You probably can't even remember to pick up milk.)

3. This man refused the throne for love.

4. This gun slingin' 15-year-old hit 25 bullseyes.

5. One guy asked hundreds of motorcyclists to halt traffic on California's busiest interstate for a proposal.

6. This man saw a beautiful girl on the train and then made a website to find her.

7. This guy tried to surprise his wife with an engagement ring.

8. This hit man fell in love with his target and faked her death.

9. These two got plastic surgery to look like each other.

10. This girl wrote to her father's boss to ask a very important question about her father stationed overseas.