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    58 Thoughts We Had Watching GoT's Season 7 Premiere

    The North remembers. P.S., there are hella spoilers ahead.

    1. Oh shit. This is happening.

    2. Didn't Frey die though?


    4. A toast? This is definitely poison. Arya always on some sneaky shit.

    5. Take off that ugly mug so they can all see you're actually Arya!

    6. Yes.

    7. Never fuck with Arya.

    8. *Twerks to GoT theme song*

    9. Hell. There are white walker giants now??

    10. I hope Brann gets to reunite with his fam soon.

    11. Sansa should have her own hair extension line. She's slaying.

    12. I wouldn't even be mad for being a secondary character if I got to be as badass as Lyanna Mormont...

    13. ...Jon Snow's man bun. Shit is beautiful.

    14. Ooooh. Tension in the Stark household.

    15. Okay Sansa needs to chill just a little and trust lil' Jonny.

    16. Cersei sending a hate scroll is so petty...I love it.

    17. Alright. I hate to hate but Cersei's hair is terrible. Honey...what is you doin'.

    18. I feel like Jamie is gonna come to his senses and betray Cersei and die a hero.

    19. Her dress is made of, like, alligator skin or something. Dressed like Maleficent. Smh.

    20. She's a savage for real!!

    21. I am really loving all these strong-ass female characters though. Cersei, Arya, Lyanna, Daenarys...Sansa is slowly getting there...

    22. Okay Euron looks like a long-lost Green Day member circa 2005. His eyeliner is real fleeky.

    23. A little worried that Euron's gonna become a less crazy, equally cruel Ramsay Bolton.

    24. He's a savage though. "The Iron Islands are full of a lot of unattractive people."

    25. Ew he wants to marry Cersei...

    26. What thE HECK why is Sam a servant boy. He's too pure for this

    27. I'm really about to throw up with all that chamberpot cleaning. Sick.

    28. Uh oh. Sam is about to check out the library's RESTRICTED SECTION.

    29. Wtf did anyone else see that creepy alien hand in a jar...

    30. Sam is rocking some killer mandals.

    31. That actor is vaguely familiar...

    32. Oh shit, it's that one dude! From all those things!

    33. "Clean this up". *Points at a partially dissected body*

    34. Sam needs the invisibility cloak before Snape catches him in the restricted section.

    35. OMG I will forever ship Brienne and Tormund! Please love him back...

    36. Sansa is so sassy. I love it.

    37. Little Finger is the creepy guy that follows you at the bar and tries to hug you from behind.


    39. What the actual fuck. I wish I was famous and could guest-appear on GoT.

    40. "Girls take care of their Poppas when their Poppas grow old. Boys just go off and fight someone else's war." This speaks to me. Preach, random soldier. Preach.

    41. When rum is too sweet for The Hound...okay den

    42. Look at that. The world is coming full circle...we all know what Clegane did in that cabin.

    43. When Clegane roasts the shit out of your topknot bun...get yo shit fixed.

    44. Ice? The wall? I literally see nothing.

    45. This is a terrible thought but a little kudos to Clegane because it must have been really hard to dig a grave in dirt that frozen.

    46. Aw a budding bromance between Clegane and Topknot Guy.

    47. "I'm sorry you're dead". Same.

    48. Daang, Sam is discovering some important shit in old books.

    49. A mountain of dragon glass! Yo this could be their saving grace.


    51. It's Daenary's old knight Jorah, lookin' scaly af.

    52. She's so regal. Damn.

    53. Missandei could really be a model tho. Victoria Secret Angel status

    54. Okay they landed on a random rock with a castle on it...but where dey at tho.

    55. She's home!

    56. Grey Worm is so damn fine.

    57. Yeah queeeen. Yank that flag down.

    58. "Shall we begin". Yes, girl. Daenarys is about to go hard on King's Landing.