Guy BFFs Swapped Clothing For A Week And Looked Fly AF

    From preppy to rock star, sporty to hipster.

    We got two sets of best guy friends to swap clothes for a week, and this is how it all went down:

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    Immediately, it was clear that Corey and Davis have two very different aesthetics.

    Davis just loves his polo shirts and jeans.

    But Corey is just into that Southern shit.

    Kevin and Ryan also have very different styles.

    Ryan loves his baseball tees...

    ...while Kevin likes to keep it in the hipster realm.

    Davis was worried that this might change him forever and make people realize how much they disliked his old look.

    Kevin was sure there would be an upgrade and a downgrade in this equation. But who would get what?!

    As suspected, at first the swap wasn't really jibing.

    The guys had serious thoughts and opinions on their BFFs' clothing.

    But as the week wore on, their views began to change.

    "I think this outfit is a hit."

    The dudes started to feel bad for being so closed-minded at first.

    Some were even sad that their swap would be over soon!

    After a week, Ryan realized that no one noticed he was wearing another man's clothes. That's how natural it looked!

    Kevin straight-up had an identity crisis.

    And Corey and Davis picked up some style tips from each other.

    Turns out it wasn't so bad walking a couple miles in another man's clothes.