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    Chicken Salad With Avocado And Mango Salsa - A Delicious Clean Eating Recipe

    They say that ‘The way to one’s heart is through his stomach' ..... Well, that may be true if you have a healthy stomach and a perfect metabolism. If not, that’s going to be one bumpy ride. And if the way to one’s heart is through his stomach then we definitely want to make it smooth (healthy) and tasty.

    We are overwhelmed by the amount of tips and diets that flood our inboxes and news feeds daily. But we still take the time to read them, don’t we?

    Why? It’s obvious, we all want to stay healthy, look and feel good.

    It might sound like a cliché, but that doesn’t make what I am about to tell you any less true. To lead a healthy life, you need to pay attention and be mindful about what you eat.

    And by that, I don’t mean that you should eat just fruits and veggies or starve yourself. I’m sure you’re tired of diets that keep you away from literally everything.

    But wouldn’t it be great to have the benefits of a healthy diet, seasoned with amazing taste and flavours?

    Not only that this is possible, but it’s actually quite simple.

    That’s why I want to tell you a bit about Clean Eating and next, I’ll show you how to make a Chicken Salad Recipe that fits perfectly with this concept.

    What is Clean Eating?

    Perhaps you heard about it as it grew quite popular in recent years. It gained a lot of support among celebrities like Katy Perry and Gwyneth Paltrow.

    Clean Eating is a concept or an eating style, rather than a diet. And it stands for eating unprocessed whole foods. That’s what we call “real” food.

    It’s actually quite simple if you think about it. There’s no calorie or protein restrictions and certainly no starvation. That’s why we can’t call it a proper diet.

    And the best part of Clean Eating is that you don’t give up taste, which is all food should be about, right?

    You get to enjoy the flavours nature has given us in a pure and healthy way.

    All Clean Eating Recipes focus on the perfect balance between these three groups of macronutrients:

    # Proteins
    # Carbs
    # Healthy Fats

    These recipes are easy, but to really keep up with the CE concept you need to also follow a few simple rules.

    Rules of Clean Eating

    * Eat only unprocessed whole foods.

    * Have your fruits and veggies raw, or cook them as little as you can.

    * Stay away from sugar. Instead use honey or other natural sweeteners.

    * Eat quality, low-fat meat (chicken, fish, turkey, seafood)

    * Drink more water, natural fruit juices and healthy homemade smoothies

    * Eat your calories, don’t drink them. That means stay away from alcohol. While a glass of wine is recommended, don’t overdo it.

    * Eat small portions and more often. This will accelerate your metabolism and it will burn fat faster.

    * Don’t eat in a haste. Enjoy food! Take your time, appreciate it and enjoy every bite.

    These are just a few key points of Clean Eating. There’s more to it, but now I want to show you how to make a Chicken Salad with Mango Salsa. This recipe fits perfect with the CE concept and it’s really easy to make.

    As you’d imagine, I made this salad with unprocessed ingredients.

    I used free-range chicken, and it’s worth noting that it doesn’t have carbs (it’s a good source of protein though). That’s why it’s best to have it with veggies, fruits or even whole grains. These are great sources of healthy carbs.

    Good old plain chicken salad bores me to death, so I wanted to make it more flavored and a lot tastier. Thus, I made a mouth-watering avocado and mango salsa.

    This is a delicious mix of diced veggies and fruits that form a salad-sauce-dressing. Dice the veggies in big chunks, and you’ll have a salad. If you dice them small, it’s going to be a sauce or a dip. And if you blend them in a food processor your going to get a flavour-rich dressing.

    These fruits and veggies are packed with healthy nutrients. And the flavor… mmm… super delicious. And if these are not enough, just take a look at some of mango’s benefits:

    * Improves metabolism

    * Boosts our immune system

    * Prevents cancer cells from forming

    * Maintains a young, healthy skin

    * Reduces cholesterol

    All those health benefits and taste packed in one fruit…. How great is that?!

    So what are you waiting for? Get your mangos ready and let’s make salsa.

    You can try it with a number of other dishes, not just with chicken salad. Experiment with it and you’ll be amazed how versatile it is.

    Also you might want to cook the chicken with smoked paprika. Its flavour blends perfectly with this beautiful mix and your palate will be delighted.

    That’s what I love most about Clean Eating and especially about this Chicken Salad Recipe. You get to really enjoy taste and flavour in a pure, healthy way. And if you’re a passionate foodie like yours truly, then I know this aspect is paramount.

    You can have the chicken salad at any time of the day. Be it breakfast, lunch or dinner, this is the perfect meal.

    You can make it in less than 30 minutes, and if you want to make a large batch, to have for the next few days, then you should keep the salsa separate from the salad. Mix them only before eating. That’s because this salsa is also similar to a dressing and dressed salads are not that great after a few days.

    I’m sure I’ve hooked you with my chicken salad, so lets not wait any longer and start cooking it.

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