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12 Tips To Make Studying And Working From Home A Little Better

Whether you're working from your desk, the couch, or anywhere in between — there's a Microsoft Surface device to help you get it done.

The Surface Laptop 3 and Surface Pro 7 will be on major sale at Best Buy starting Nov 16.

1. Start your day by making a plan. That way, you'll know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it.

A person using the Surface Pro 7 on a counter by a window

2. Mix things up! If you're not inspired working at your desk, head to your couch or porch for a change of scenery.

A person wearing headphones, using the Surface Laptop 3, and sitting on a couch

3. Organize your desk so you know where everything is.

A neatly organized desk

4. Schedule time to talk with your classmates and colleagues on video chat so you feel more connected with them.

A person video chatting on the Surface Laptop 3

5. Mix up how you work.

A person using the Surface pen to work on their Surface laptop

6. Stage and customize your video chat background on Microsoft Teams.

A person using the coffee shop background to video chat with coworkers

7. Schedule breaks to keep yourself motivated. Little walks or stretching can work serious magic.

A laptop beside a coffee mug, books, and coffee dripper

8. Make working (and playing) easier with the Surface Pro 7.

A person wearing headphones and working on a large monitor and the Surface pro 7

9. Invest in some decor and make your office space your own.

The laptop on a wooden desk with a video chat on the screen

10. Try to keep your work and study hours as regular as possible.

A person with their feet on a windowsill doing a video chat on their laptop

11. Keep distractions to a minimum. Try to make your "office" feel like a real office.

A person wearing headphones and using the laptop while lounging on a sofa

12. And finally, leave your work at your desk.

A person using Netflix on the laptop

The Surface Laptop 3 and Surface Pro 7 (and other Microsoft Surface products) are available at Best Buy.

An ad for the Surface Pro 7 and Surface Laptop 3

Additional thumbs via Getty Images.