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    5 Black History Documentaries You Need To Watch Before February

    "This is for the Editorial Fellowship." Celebrating Black History Month includes recognizing the people, movements and moments relevant to the past, present and future. These movies and documentaries cover important stories often overlooked. Watch the following for a refresher course on Black history.

    1. The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975

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    The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 chronicles the Black Power movement. Swedish journalists captured footage and documented interviews with many of the movements most influential voices including Angela Davis. Bobby Seale and Stokely Carmichael.

    2. What Happened, Miss Simone

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    Nina Simone, a queen of many crowns, holds a triumphant legacy of activism and art. What Happened, Miss Simone, chronicles documents her life story with archival footage and commentary from family and friends of The High Priestess Of Soul.

    3. Eyes on the Prize

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    Eyes On The Prize aired as a 14-part television series, documenting the Civil Rights movement from various points of view. The interviews with every day people offer an important perspective on the civil rights era, often looked over.

    4. The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement

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    Following 85-year-old Mr. Armstrong, The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement shows one man's existence through decades of change. The documentary focuses on Mr. Armstrong's voting for former President Barack Obama and reflects on his life experience in a segregated south.

    5. Soundtrack for a Revolution

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    Soundtrack For A Revolution analyzes the music crucial to the Civil Rights Movement. Focusing on hymns and hooks chorused by slaves, freedom riders, and others, the documentary offers importance of resistance through song.