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    30 Memes Of 2016 All Girls Can Relate To

    All the memes you came to know and love (and possibly relate to a little too much) over this past year.

    1. Him: "I don't remember liking her pictu-" Me: "Lemme remind you"

    2. when he's respectful, has goals & aspirations, over 6 foot, texts you back, and attractive

    3. Me: "He's always been trustworthy and never lies" Also Me: "Suspicious. Go through his phone."

    4. when you told him to never talk to you again and he actually doesn't

    5. 2 texts 1 hour ago. no reply. but 5 tweets 45 minutes ago, a viewed snap 32 mins ago and 9 IG pics liked 12 mins ago.

    6. when you post a poppin selfie and them DMs start pouring in

    7. Friends: "I can't find them on social media." "A random number keeps calling me." "My bf is acting weird." Me:

    8. *deleting a selfie that only got 5 likes*

    9. when someones filling you in on gossip you not supposed to know but you lurk and you know everything so you pretend to be shocked

    10. *after completing one of the 26 things on my to-do list*

    11. "I'm not the jealous type, my boyfriend can do whatever he wants" *yet currently*

    12. *watching my boyfriend that doesn’t know he’s my boyfriend flirt with other girls just disrespecting me*

    13. when you make plans but realize that means you have to leave your bed

    14. when u put 2 and 2 together and get 11 cuz u found out more info than u were supposed to

    15. *after going to my one class i had all day*

    16. when all you did was call him a "stupid dumb dirty ass bitch" at the top of ur lungs and he hasn’t called u back

    17. *seeing your ex for the first time after you break up but you look fly asl*

    18. when you're in another room but you hear your name being mentioned

    19. Him: "I'm going out with the bo-" Me: "Where we goin?"

    20. me: i am never talking to him again this is the last straw!!!!! him: hi me:

    21. *Spends $200+ online shopping* Shipping: $5.99

    22. "so after all that shit you said about him , you still took him back ?"

    23. when you’ve replayed his snapchat 27 times and finally see the girls fingernail you knew you saw the first time

    24. him: don't push my buttons me:

    25. Me: “he’s so fucking stupid I’m never talking to him again” Him: “come outside”

    26. when he says you're not his girlfriend but you know you are


    28. Me: "I'm still sad about Harambe" Him: "He was just a gorilla..."

    29. *send a crazy text and realizes how crazy it was and now has to sit there waiting for a response*

    30. How 2016 Started vs. How 2016 Ended