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    10 Luxurious Weed Inspired Products To Have Around When You're Smoking

    Treat yourself or someone else.

    1. Haciendaware's modern bowl

    2. An Edie Parker clutch because tell us how you really feel

    3. Fancy weed truffles (not to be eaten as hastily as you ate those edibles)

    4. Low-key vaporizer to puff, puff pass

    5. A head massager that looks like an alien claw

    6. An overly fancy lighter from Tsubota Pearl

    7. Ashtrays for days with the Amazon fav Debowler

    8. A mug for mornings when all you want to do is wake and bake

    9. The COMPLETE Planet Earth Collection so that you can high narrate that iguana/snake chase

    10. La Maison Inondée Bowl because home is where the heart is (or food)