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  • Oz Adventure badge

This Treehouse Inside The World's Oldest Evergreen Rainforest Is Insanely Beautiful

And you can stay the night there.

In Southern Thailand within Khao Sok National Park lives one of the oldest evergreen rainforests in the world. It's dated at over 160 million years old.

And inside all the lush greenery, sits Art's Riverview Jungle Lodge. There you can stay in a real-life treehouse surrounded by a whole lot of trees and all sorts of animals.

The hotel even has an insane indoor waterfall shower that makes you feel like you're washing under the real thing.

While the rooms don't have any air conditioning, they do have fans and a whole heap of windows.

But the best part of the whole place is how unchanged the area around the lodge is.

You can see locals fishing in the river, while tree trunks wildly break through the walking tracks.

Now your dreams of living like Tarzan - for a night, at least - can finally come true.

Disclaimer: Hotel, airfare, and associated tour costs were provided free of charge by Contiki. BuzzFeed writers did not guarantee coverage.