17 Times Sharon From "Kath & Kim" Summed Up Your Night Out

    A spot of pash rash and a bottle of Baileys.

    1. When you find out pre-drinks are at yours so you go all out with the fancy snacks and drinks:

    2. When you recruit your friends to help you find the perfect outfit:

    3. And when you have to test drive each one to make sure they can handle your sick dance moves:

    4. When you're doing your makeup and just can't manage to match your right brow to your left:

    5. When you get completely shit-faced and try to coordinate where the group should go:

    6. When you finally make it to the club and try to exit your car glamorously:

    7. And when you immediately realise that you made the wrong choice in undergarments for the night:

    8. When you have four vodka sodas in 30 minutes and forget you said "I hate dancing" earlier:

    9. And when you finally turn around, and see the person you've been dancing with for ages is actually cute:

    10. When you lose your friends in the club for more than three seconds at a time:

    11. When you find some girls in the bathroom and start drunkenly dishing out life advice:

    12. And when you see your friend crying in the same bathroom so you try to console them any way possible:

    13. When you turn on your ~charm~ to try and score yourself some free drinks from a random:

    14. And when you have to pretend you have a partner so they don't get too clingy:

    15. When you try to book an Uber at 3am and see the surge at a 2.8:

    16. And when you ask your driver to swing past Macca's on the way home and they say no:

    17. And when you wake up the next morning with nothing but the evidence of your drunken shenanigans: