Drake Poked Fun At Himself With His "Scorpion" Editor Notes And It's Pretty Damn Funny

    "DrAkE DiDn'T sTaRt FrOm tHe BoTtOm." – Drake, basically.

    Drake's newest album Scorpion just dropped and we've all decided that it's a Banger™️*.

    While there have been some revelations in the songs, before the listening even started people noticed the editor notes on Apple.

    LMDAO Pusha T thought he was doing something exposing Drake’s son but Drake has about 12 lyrics so far talkin about being a father 😂😂😂😂

    It seems as though Apple let Drake have free reign of the notes section and, oh boy, did he make good use of them.

    Drake basically used the platform to highlight all the things his haters love to say about him.

    And people were obsessed with Drake's ~don't give a fuck~ attitude for just about everything.

    drake dropped the album with a note to his haters 💀 #scorpion https://t.co/N2uXCS1xO3

    LOL at the editor notes on iTunes. Drake seen all the slander on twitter 😂

    Drake hella sensitive with that note on the album lmao

    Drake the first man to put a personal note on Apple Music as the album description lmao

    While others took it as a sign of the heat to come.

    Drake’s note for the album is gas this album is about to go hard

    What Drake didn’t say on his editors note for Scorpion is ‘you’re going to listen anyway’ 🤷🏾‍♀️

    I can tell drake isn’t playing just by reading the editors notes on Apple Music😂

    And while Drake reckons it's "Anybody else > Drake" we all know that these notes trump just about anything else out there.

    drake's editors' notes > everything 😂😂😂

    Never change, Drizzy, never change.