14 Funny Things People's Grandparents Have Posted On Facebook

    Even grandpa wants to know his stripper name.

    1. We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the funniest thing their grandma or grandpa has ever posted to Facebook. Here are some of the best responses:

    2. This grandma who, simply put, decided to be a hoe again:

    3. This grandma who either has an interesting sense of humor or has no idea what Playboy is:

    4. And this grandma who wants you to keep an eye out for the Wet Bandits:

    5. This grandpa who saw some relatable content and decided to share it:

    6. This grandma who is just a tad passive aggressive:

    My husband's grandma has been commenting on posts I’ve made for years. The most memorable ones are when I tagged him in a picture with the caption "I love you!" and she commented "I loved him first." And when we shared our engagement photos on Facebook, in between comments about how happy everyone was for us she commented, "These pictures really show how handsome Nick is." —katrinadawnc

    7. This grandma who just wanted to share the luck:

    8. This grandma who — no offense — wasn't a fan of the Crib Dribbler:

    9. This grandma who knew B#$d wasn't shit:

    I had just broken up with a guy and was pretty sad about it. I went on a trip with one of my girlfriends and shared a photo on Facebook. My grandma commented on the photo, "See, you can still have fun without B#$d." His name was Brad and she thought she was disguising his name. I was mortified and deleted the comment immediately. Now it really cracks me up. —mimm2

    10. This recently retired grandpa:

    11. And this one, who now goes by Black Quiche.

    12. This grandma who wasn't impressed with Kim Kardashian's fashion choices:

    13. This grandma who'd appreciate it if you watched your profanity:

    My granny never understood the wall vs the newsfeed. She thought every thing she saw was directly sent to her or posted on her wall so she was constantly offended. She would write me and our cousins like, "Please don’t post these things with such profanity on my Facebook, I don’t need my friends to see this profane language." Whenever she would send me cards in the mail for birthdays and holidays, she would often include a line about watching my language on "the Facebook." —allies45482021f

    14. Jerry:

    15. And my own grandma who thought The Rock died and honored him with this hashtag:

    16. Want to be featured in similar BuzzFeed posts? Follow the BuzzFeed Community on Facebook and Twitter!

    Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.