Send A Secret Message In A Fortune Cookie At This Museum

    As long as the fortune isn't NSFW, it'll end up in at least one cookie.

    From now until summer 2017, you can swing by NYC's Museum of Food and Drink to crack open a freshly baked fortune cookie and read a message written by a stranger.

    Anyone all over the world can submit a message, either through the MOFAD site, via Twitter, or in-person at the museum.

    Because let's be real, in times like these, we could ALL go for a message of hope and goodwill.

    You can eat the cookies as they come out of the 1,500-pound fortune cookie machine and even take a bag home.

    The treats are part of an exhibition called "Chow: Making the Chinese American Restaurant."

    The museum offers other Chinese foods to taste too, like honey walnut shrimp and peking pork chop (depending on the month you visit).