I Tried SOM, The Trendy Drink That Makes You Fall Asleep


    The following is my experience trying this sleep product, meaning you might not have the same results. If you do have a problem with insomnia, you should talk to your doctor first to see if they think this is worth trying.

    Hi, I'm Michelle and I have a hard time falling asleep.

    So when I read about a new drink called SOM that's supposed to make you fall asleep, I knew I had to test it on my own restless self.

    SOM comes in two flavors — an original, sweetened flavor, and a sugar-free flavor — but both have the same amount of sleep-inducing ingredients.

    For my test, I tried the original flavor, which I was worried would give me a sugar high*. But honestly? It kind of worked.

    It made my co-worker Jesse feel drowsy earlier than usual, and made him a little extra groggy the next morning. 😲

    My other co-worker Hannah had a similar experience, and thought the drink made her feel a little extra hazy in the morning.

    Finally, I talked to a psychologist who specializes in sleep disorders about it. His take? "I don't think trying something like SOM can hurt you, but I would be surprised if it helps you."

    And by the way, this is what it looks like poured into a clear glass.

    TL;DR: It may or may not actually help you feel sleepy, but it will most likely make you feel groggier the next morning (which might be a sign of restorative, heavier-than-usual sleep).

    Have you tried SOM?

    Tell us about your experience in the comments below.