16 Reasons Why You Can't Stop Eating SkinnyPop Popcorn

    "The time interval between shoving a new handful into my mouth is maybe 3 seconds tops."

    1. If you've ever tried SkinnyPop popcorn, you've probably asked yourself this question:

    2. Your purpose in life boils down to this one moment:

    3. Most of your free time is spent thinking about your next fix:

    4. You imagine that whoever is in charge of making the stuff is some cross between Einstein, Anthony Bourdain, and Houdini:

    5. This is your idea of Flavor Town, TBQFH:

    6. And while you like all the flavors, you love White Cheddar SkinnyPop more than most human beings in your life:


    7. The most intimate you'll get all day is with your 'Pop:

    8. You know literally every single snack can be improved with the addition of SkinnyPop:

    9. The last time you tried to limit yourself to a single serving, you empathized deeply with Gollum and the second half of Trainspotting:

    10. This is the most upsetting image you'll ever see of your pet:

    11. You after choosing SkinnyPop from a shelf full of processed snacks:

    12. Also you:

    13. Everyone knows THIS is the best way to eat SkinnyPop...

    14. Even if it ends up being the focus of whatever you're watching:

    15. Never have you empathized more with complete strangers all over the world:

    16. At the end of the day, SkinnyPop is why you love the Internet: