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    15 Things Every Teenager Knows, But Parents Don't

    "Don't compare me to other kids. It hurts a lot." H/T Reddit

    A recent Reddit thread asked, "Teenagers of Reddit, what is one thing that all parents should know?" Here are some of the best submissions:

    1. Please don't read our journals, even if you feel like we're not telling you stuff.

    2. Don't respond with "because I said so," because it's not a valid or rational answer to any question.

    3. And when we ask "why?" it's because we truly just want to know why you won't let us do something that we're asking you to let us do.

    4. Please give us a chance to talk back sometimes.

    5. And don't talk to us in a way that you'd never talk to an adult.

    6. When you're teaching us to drive, don't assume we already know how everything works on the road — that's why we need teaching.

    7. If we criticize you, don't try to turn the tables and play the victim — or at least hear us out first.

    8. Don't get upset when we don't tell you something, but totally freak out when we do.

    9. No matter how understanding you are, we'll still hide a few things from you and that's completely normal.

    10. Actually listen to and believe us when we tell you something that might sound incredulous.

    11. Don't compare us to other kids. It hurts a lot.

    12. Please don't comment on our eating habits or weight all the time.

    13. Take interest in our hobbies, even if you might not personally like them.

    14. Don't force us to be more social — it's something that'll happen with time.

    15. Accept us for who we are because we're not yours to change and control.

    Responses have been edited for length or clarity.