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    14 Simple Ways To Actually Improve Your Handwriting

    It's never too late.

    1. Start by watching videos of master calligrapher Seb Lester.

    2. If you're left-handed, get pens with fast-drying ink.

    3. Make sure you're using the grip that's most comfortable for your hand.

    4. Check out the handwriting subreddit for a ton of answers to common questions.

    5. Mimic handwriting on Instagram accounts.

    6. Learn the basics using the Spencerian Theory Book, a penmanship book taught in American classrooms in the 19th century...

    7. Or pick up this simpler book, written with med students and business professionals in mind.

    8. Watch videos like this one for short, digestible tips.

    9. Print and practice on free handwriting worksheets.

    10. Make handwriting practice an anxiety-relieving exercise by keeping a diary.

    11. Try your hand at a bullet journal.

    12. Or practice by writing a friend or family member a letter.

    13. To take the stress out of handwriting, you can also watch short videos like this one, which'll show that you all letters are basically lines:

    14. And when you're ready to take the leap, try your hand at hand-lettering with this cheat sheet.