18 Things That Will Make People Who Journal Say, "OMG, So True"

    If you could have one superpower, it'd be to write at the speed of your thoughts.

    1. You get slightly anxious when you come to the end of the page and have to fill up the last three lines without wrist support.

    2. You freak out whenever you momentarily misplace your journal.

    3. Nothing thrills you more than a blank page that's ready to be filled with your dreams, anxieties, and secrets.

    4. You haven’t truly processed the day until you journal about it.

    5. You've mastered the art of journaling while riding public transportation.

    6. If you could have one superpower, it'd be to write at the speed of your thoughts.

    7. You know that the truest truths are written on three-hour-long train rides.

    8. You sometimes imagine your journal is a pensieve you can drop your thoughts into and recall later.

    9. You know exactly the first (and only) thing you'd grab if your home went up in flames.

    10. You always take pens from restaurants and hotels because you really can never have enough.

    11. You keep a pen in every single bag you own, because you never know when the need to journal will strike.

    12. You've never been more loyal to anything than your favorite brand of notebook.

    13. You literally don't know how you'd live if you couldn't journal — and have tried convince all your friends to join in the habit.

    14. You've made all your best friends and SOs swear to never read your journal, no matter what.

    15. You're convinced you could publish your journals and become a bestselling author.

    16. You often read old entries and revel in your own brilliance.

    17. ...though more often, you cringe at how often you make the same mistakes over and over again.

    18. And reading old entries has taught you that everything — even the thing you thought was the worst thing you'd ever gone through — somehow works itself out.