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    Working In Retail As Told By Les Miserablés

    Both are miserable. (This is for the Editorial Fellowship)

    When you're at the interview and they ask why you want the job

    When your new co-workers don't want to train a new employee

    When you forget your employee ID number and need to enter it to use the register

    When you're trying to make that sale and get that commission

    When you leave your assigned section for one second and your manager sees you

    When you offer to let your friend use your discount but you have to put it on your card

    When they never trained you on how to fold a t-shirt and you've worked there for over a month

    When you're working closing on a Friday night

    When you realize you want to quit

    When your manager yells at you

    When your shift is FINALLY over

    But then you realize you're scheduled again tomorrow