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Tell Us The Weirdest, Wildest, Or Most Unexpected Thing You've Found After Checking Into Your Hotel Room

I guess you never know what might get left behind...

Hotels always get a TON of foot traffic with guests coming in and out from all over the place. With that said, you never know what you might stumble upon when checking into a room.

Jolene Purdy and Murray Bartlett standing with hand towels and a book to greet guests in The White Lotus

So, if you ever found something funky during your hotel stay, I want to hear from you!

Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Justin Bartha checking into the hotel in The Hangover

Maybe you found someone's clothing or shoes from a previous stay?

Hotel room with two beds

Perhaps you opened the door and realized someone was occupying the room that was actually assigned to you?

A black suitcase in a hotel room with an open door

Or, maybe you noticed a weird smell and later saw some old leftovers sitting in the mini fridge?

A hotel mini fridge that's empty with the door open

Whatever it may be, now's your chance to talk! Share the most random, bizarre, or surprising thing you didn't expect to find in your hotel room. Share the item(s) you came across in the comments or submit anonymously using this form. Your response might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!