People Are Sharing Their Controversial Cooking Opinions And It's Time To Fight About It

    The kitchen is on fire.

    When it comes to cooking, we all have a habit or two that some may consider weird or controversial in the kitchen.

    Maybe it's your choice of ingredients or the way you cut something up? Whatever it is, there will always be something that's not the next person's cup of tea.

    A cooking scene in Rataouille

    When Reddit user u/rawlingstones asked, "What's your stupidest cooking opinion so we can all fight about it?" a ton of people chimed in with their thoughts.

    Bradley Cooper in Burnt

    We've rounded up some of the most memorable answers to the thread. Check them out below:

    1. "I've never eaten a dish that was made better by truffle oil. Overwhelming taste and smell. It's used solely to add 20% to the price of the dish."

    2. "Fondant is disgusting, and anyone that uses it should be arrested and prosecuted for attempting to poison people."

    3. "You'll get me to stop using pre-ground spices when you pry them out of my cold dead hands."

    4. "Using fresh tomatoes for a tomato sauce is a waste of time. Stop being bougie and used canned. Unless you have a garden and a surplus of tomatoes."

    5. "Avocados are overrated. And this is from a native Californian."

    Avocado cut in half

    6. "People who are super bougie and refuse to eat mayo because it's 'gross,' but will then gobble up a trough of aioli if a brunch place puts in front of them are the absolute worst. It's fancy mayo. Get over yourself."

    Fries and dips

    7. "A kitchen full of expensive appliances does not make you a good cook."

    8. "When it comes to salt, spices, or herbs, it's never necessary to measure anything."

    9. "Can we stop saying 'bone broth'? It's bleeping stock."

    10. "Generations have been brainwashed into thinking they cannot bake a cake or make brownies or muffins or macaroni and cheese without a box mix."

    Macaroni and cheese on the production line in the factory

    11. "Baking isn’t difficult — you’re just bad at following directions."

    12. "I hate when people leave the tails on shrimp, especially in pasta dishes. Why not just remove it all?"

    Shrimp pasta

    13. "This hot take comes from my grandmother: Chopping lettuce ruins it because you cut the vitamins in half so it's not as good for you when you eat it. You've got to shred it with your hands."

    14. "You can use a lot more salt than people normally do and still not taste it. I see people pinching salt onto steaks, while I sprinkle that on every square inch. It makes meat super tender, and it's great for flavor. Use more salt."

    Salt and steak

    15. "Greek yogurt is not a reasonable swap in all the recipes where you would usually use sour cream. Red onions are really purple, and they are only suitable for cold or room-temperature food preparations."

    A pile of red onions

    16. "My husband dumps salsa on almost every dish I serve, even if it’s French cuisine, and I just sit there and let it happen."

    Bowls of salsa

    17. "Simply mixing everything together at once for baking rather than mixing dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately is good enough most the time."

    A kitchen scene getting prepped for baking cookies

    18. "The bougiest thing I've ever heard someone say is 'I just won't cook with wine I wouldn't drink.' I wouldn't drink 2-buck-chuck either, but f--k if I'm spending more than $3 on a bottle of wine going into my cooking!"

    19. "Wrapping things in bacon is the best way to ruin any food. Welcome to this stringy wet meat blanket. Bacon has a prominent flavor. It's going to be star of whatever you put it in, so let it be crisp and delicious and not an accurate representation of your uncle's soggy love for you. AKA STOP WRAPPING BACON AROUND THINGS."

    Bacon wrapped Brussels sprouts

    What stupid cooking opinion would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.