These People Moved Out Of The Country To Be With Their Significant Other And Are Now Sharing The Culture Shocks They Came Across

    New country, new challenges.

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the culture shocks they experienced after moving out of the country for love. Here are some of their responses:

    Zoe Saldaña and Eugenio Mastrandrea in From Scratch

    To start, this name change struggle in Canada:

    Pile of papers

    Learning to overcome a language barrier while getting used to local customs in the South of France:

    Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love

    Having a healthy change of pace and coming across a variety of new languages in Zurich:

    Zurich cityscape

    Witnessing how women are treated and unknowingly getting photographed without permission in India:

    Someone holding a camera

    The good, the bad, and everything in between while starting over in Australia:

    Sydney, Australia aerial view

    Experiencing discrimination from new neighbors in Japan:

    People whispering

    Taking the initiative to learn a new language in Iran:

    A person with a pen and notebook

    And finally, stumbling upon a surprising new drink in England:

    Glass with a green-and-white striped straw

    Whether you moved for love or were just visiting, have you ever experienced culture shock in a foreign country? Share your story in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.