Did You Experience Reverse Culture Shock Coming Home After Being Gone For A Long Time?

    I want to hear from you!

    Coming home after being away can be a pretty bittersweet feeling, especially if you've been away for a while. On one hand, you have the comforts of what you know. But on the other, it may be a bit of a culture shock after you changed up your scenery.

    Eddie Murphy in Coming to America

    Maybe you realized the town you thought was SUPER big growing up was actually really tiny after living in a major metropolitan city like NYC or SF.

    Mark Derwin, Ann Cusack, Justin Long, Hannah Marks in Accepted

    Perhaps you had to reacquaint yourself with public transit when you were so used to using a car to get around town.

    Scarlett Johansson, Nicholas Art in The Nanny Diaries

    Or, maybe you studied abroad and had to relearn all the customs you hadn't used in some time.

    Emilia Clarke, Janet McTeer in Me Before You

    I want to hear from you! If you returned home after being gone for some time, tell me about the reverse culture shock you experienced in the comments or submit anonymously using this form. You might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!