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12 Reasons To Celebrate The Holidays In Paradise

Celebrate the season in style. Be merry with Michael Kors.

1. There's something about the flight that just feels "elevated."

2. You can pack light.

3. Because all you'll need to bring back home is your tan.

4. You won't have to worry about your mom counting how many martinis you've had.

5. Lying out in the sand is a lot more enjoyable than the snow.

6. You have neither to cook nor clean up your five-star meals.

7. Champagne on a sailboat beats no champagne on an ice rink.

It just does.

8. The only things you'll need to unwrap are the curtains on your beach canopy.

9. Your massages can be complemented by the sound of the wind rustling the palm trees.

You don't have to settle for that foot bath you got for your birthday last year.

10. The only decorations to put away will be the chocolates on your pillows.

11. You can read all your books in the sun, as opposed to piling on the blankets in that old rocking chair back home.

12. Because when sunshine is your wrapping paper, basically everything is a present.

Happy Holidays from Michael Kors.

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