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    3 Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Growth

    Hair plays an integral role in the self-perception and physical appearance of a person. It can be miserable and horrible to experience serious hair loss issues. A lot of people believe that nothing can be done against hair loss. Fortunately, small lifestyle changes can improve the health and length of your hair. Major reasons behind hair loss are vitamin deficiency and poor dietary routine. By fixing your diet and improving your lifestyle, you can cure hair loss naturally. With this being said, here are few essential vitamins and minerals to overcome hair loss.

    1. – Fish Oil

    2. – B complex Vitamin

    Pantothenic Acid and Biotin are ideal remedies for hair loss. Biotin in B complex rebuilds damaged hair. Ironing, over-shampooing, blow-drying and sun exposure can damage hair. Biotin fixes these problems. On the other hand, Vitamin B5 alias Pantothenic acid supports the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are responsible for stimulating healthy hair growth.

    The British Journal of Dermatology studied the effects of panthenol on hair fibers. The study concluded that panthenol increases the thickness of hair fibers. In the long run, hair gains more strength and can withstand severe forces. This means panthenol reduces the chances of hair breakage.

    A significant reason behind hair is biotin deficiency. The amount of biotin in the body decreases with alcohol, smoking, and pregnancy. This is why you should replenish the amount of Biotin in your body with B-Complex. Rich sources of biotin are nuts, chicken, eggs, potatoes, and legumes.

    3. – Iron

    Finally, you must consume enough iron! The bond between hair loss and iron deficiency is extremely strong. People with iron deficiency are bound to lose huge volumes of hair. A study at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences revealed that women with iron deficiency anemia lost more hair than healthy women. When ferritin levels are below 30 mg, you are bound to experience telogen hair loss.

    To increase the amount of iron in your body, you should consume foods that are rich in iron. This includes navy beans, spinach, beef steak and egg yolks.