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    It's Official -- 2017 Is Just Alt-Wizarding World

    Is Jesse Williams our boy who lived?

    There has been no shortage of "Donald Trump = Voldemort" sentiments since the election results rolled in last November. The 45th President has stuck to the extreme pillars on which he campaigned, pushing through policies that hinder women's rights and obstruct the U.S.'s foreign relations. But it's become clear... we're now living in Voldemort's second coming, complete with our fair share of Death Eaters and a newly formed Order of the Phoenix.

    Earlier this week his Secretary of Education nominee, Betsy DeVos, was confirmed by the Senate in a vote of 51-50. People were quick to cast DeVos as none other than the overbearing and Dolores Umbridge.

    Trump's right-hand-girl is Kellyanne Conway, much like Voldemort leaned on Bellatrix Lestrange in times of trouble.

    Is Kellyanne Conway Bellatrix Lestrange or Dolores Umbridge?

    We're all screwed.

    And then there's Mike Pence. A Death Eater in disguise?

    Mike Pence looks like a white supremacist Snape

    Let's pray he's playing both sides, too.

    Luckily, there's a new trio in town.

    CNN's Jake Tapper has a WTF Face to rival Ron Weasley

    The look on @jaketapper face every time #KellyAnneConjob says a lie.


    And Elizabeth Warren stands up to the Malfoys of the world like the OG HBIC, Hermione Granger

    But our Boy Who Lived is woke activist-actor, Jesse Williams

    Be tired. Be mad. Be honest & concerned. But be not afraid. Rest up. Be safe. Come together. Construct. Know your surroundings. Be creative.

    And just for good measure... our boy Barry O will always be watching over us, just like Dumbledore.