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    10 Things That Went Through My Mind When I Found Out I Was Adopted

    When I was nineteen years old I found out I was adopted from Colombia. These were some of my initial thoughts.

    1. Oh sh%*!

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    This is the stuff you see in movies.

    2. Wait...Is this real life?!

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    This doesn't feel real. I guess this is what shock feels like.

    3. I look like my parents!

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    How is this possible? People always say I look like my dad!

    4. So, I'm not white?

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    I'm Latina? Well technically...Colombian.

    5. How did I not know?!

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    Well...I never did see pictures of my mother pregnant.

    6. Who is my bio mom?

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    Where can I find her? Should I try to find her?

    7. I NEED to read over my adoption papers.

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    Need. More. Information. ASAP.

    8. F%^k, now I have to talk to my mom about this!

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    Seriously, I wish I didn't have to.

    9. Well, my ADOPTIVE mom.

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    She's definitely going to cry.

    10. Who am I????

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    I guess I'm still me...but not. IDK.