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    10 People Corey Feldman Looked Like On The "Today Show"

    ICYMI Corey Feldman (of "The Goonies" and "Stand By Me") preformed on the "Today Show" yesterday to promote his new album.

    And he looked like everyone but himself.

    1. The Emperor from "Star Wars"

    2. Skrillex

    3. Billy Mack from "Love Actually"

    4. Night Man from "It's Always Sunny"

    5. Lord Voldemort

    6. Michael Jacksosn

    7. A puppet on a String

    8. Cam Newton

    9. Viago from "What We Do in the Shadows"

    10. Marilyn Manson

    See the entire out-of-this-world performance below.

    View this video on YouTube

    CBS / Via

    Just when I think the news media has hit rock bottom, Corey Feldman shows up on the Today Show. Happy Friday.

    Saw #CoreyFeldman trending and prayed it was an announcement for #Goonies2. Sadly it was not

    Me watching Corey Feldman's @TODAYshow performance (for the third time).