11 Adulting Moments That Feel Really Rude in Your Early 20s

    Why did no one tell us it would be like this?

    1. Waking up in the middle of the night in a panic because you didn’t pay your credit card bill

    2. Picking out your work clothes the night before because those few extra minutes in the morning save you from being late

    3. When you’re shopping and you calculate how many hours and minutes you had to work in order to make this purchase.

    4. Feeling a lot of pressure to start saving for retirement. But you’re an intern. Getting paid by the hour. With no benefits

    5. Justifying spending too much money on your caffeinated iced-coffee beverage so you don't hate your life

    6. Creating a to-do list for the week and then realizing you’ve written down the same exact things for a couple of weeks now

    7. Realizing that the rest of your life will basically just be sitting in front of a computer screen

    8. Hoping that your parents will keep you on their Netflix accounts forever

    9. Getting way too excited when there isn't as much traffic as usual for your morning commute into the office

    10. Wondering how much longer you can keep showing your student ID card after graduation to get the student discounts

    11. And perhaps the rudest of all… looking forward to sleeping in on Sunday, but your biological clock gets you up in time to make it into the office that you don't have to go into

    What are your least favorite parts of navigating your early 20s?