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Thirtysomethings, What Do You Do With Your Money Now That You Didn't Do In Your 20s?

You might not have it *all* figured out, but you've learned a thing or two.

If you're anything like me, you learned a lot about money in your 20s, and maybe made a few mistakes along the way. But in your 30s, you get a chance to take what you've learned and run with it.

So if you're in your 30s, I would love to hear about how your money habits have changed.

Maybe in your 20s, you were scared to open a credit card because you didn't want to get into debt. But now that you're in your 30s, you use a cash back card for just about everything. As long as you pay off your balance every month, you can avoid debt, build your credit score, and rake in those sweet rewards.

Or perhaps you never budgeted in your 20s because your money anxiety made it really hard for you to spend time looking at your finances. Now in your 30s, you've made a pact with a friend to talk about money and make budgets together every month. With their support, you've made some changes and feel a little less nervous about your money situation.

Or maybe in your 20s, you stayed in a dead-end job for too long because you were told it would look good on your résumé to stay in one place for many years. Now that you're in your 30s, you've been able to grow your skills and your salary so much faster by changing jobs more frequently.

Share how your money habits have changed in your 30s and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.

For more money tips and tricks in the meantime, check out the rest of our personal finance posts