"Not Your Incubator," "This Is Not Democracy," And 25 More Powerful Protest Signs From This Weekend's Demonstrations For Abortion Rights

    "I shouldn't have less rights than my grandmas."

    Note: This article contains mention of rape, which may be hard for some to read.

    On Friday, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a decision that will affect the health, financial well-being, and freedom of millions of people. In response, people took to the streets in protest in cities across the United States and even in other parts of the world.

    Protestors gathered in front of the Supreme Court

    Here are some of the most impactful protest signs from this weekend:

    Editor’s Note: BuzzFeed supports a person’s right to an abortion. If you, like us, feel impassioned about abortion rights, learn more or find a local fund to donate to here.

    1. "How does a gun have more rights than a woman!?!"

    2. "My abortion saved my life."

    3. "Not a woman. Still need abortion access."

    slogan written on a transgender flag

    4. "Roe has fallen but we have not."

    5. "Keep your rosaries off my ovaries."

    6. "Women's body, women's choice."

    7. "We won't go back! Religion has no place in government!"

    8. "Land of the free my ass."

    9. "You will never have the comfort of my silence."

    10. "My daughter deserves a choice."

    pregnant woman with my daughter deserves a choice written on her stomach

    11. "Not your incubator."

    12. "Abortion is healthcare."

    13. "Ignore abortions like you ignore mass shootings."

    14. "Make women's rights great again."

    15. "You can only ban safe abortions."

    16. "Pregnancy can kill me. But it's all about being 'pro-life,' right?"

    17. "Forced birth in a country with no universal healthcare, no universal childcare, no paid family and medical leave, highest rates of maternal mortality. This is not about life. It is about control."

    18. "I wish my uterus shot bullets so the government wouldn't regulate it."

    19. "Second class citizen."

    A woman with that slogan written on a piece of tape covering her mouth

    20. "Reasons women get abortions: none of your business."

    21. "Seriously?! My mom already marched for this!! We will not go back!"

    22. "We won't breed for you!"

    23. "Legal abortion saves lives."

    24. "You're pro-life until you have to pay child support."

    25. "This is not democracy."

    26. "Raise my rapist's baby? Or go to college? Tell me to my face."

    27. "I shouldn't have less rights than my grandmas."

    little girl sitting on her father's shoulders holding the sign that says "I shouldn't have less rights than my grandmas"

    You can learn more about how to still access abortion in the US here and how to donate to abortion funds here.