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Single People, Do You Date People With Different Political Views?

Tell us what you really, really think.

When it comes to choosing a partner, we all have different red and green flags. Something that's a major turn-off for me could be on someone else's must-have list.

Woman looking bored on a coffee date

With another polarizing election coming up in the US, I got curious about how people are thinking about politics while dating. So I'd really love to hear from you.

Maybe you have certain dealbreaker issues, but that doesn't mean you only date people within your own party. You're super passionate about protecting abortion rights, for example, and you can't imagine being with someone who doesn't feel the same way. But at the same time, you don't need your partner to agree with you on everything, just the issues closest to your heart.

Two people enjoying a meal together in a cozy restaurant setting

Or perhaps you're not very interested in politics so you really don't mind dating someone who holds different views. You find it interesting to try to understand why others believe what they do, and it's been eye-opening for you to hear a variety of perspectives on politics.

Two people smiling at each other, toasting with wine glasses at a table

Or maybe politics are an absolute dealbreaker because of certain aspects of your identity. As a member of the LGBTQ community, for example, you would not feel safe even hanging out with someone who supports a party that's actively trying to roll back your rights.

Two women smiling at each other, one with flowers and the other leaning on a bicycle

Or perhaps you used to be more open to dating people across the political spectrum, but the last few years of extreme polarization have made you more wary of people in the other party. Even if they seem nice, you find yourself wondering if they might be hiding some more extreme views that make you really uncomfortable.

Woman appears stressed during dinner, man smiling in background, table set with food and wine

Tell me what you think about dating and politics in the comments below or via this anonymous form, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.